
Aging and Disability Services

Aging and Disability Services provides technical support for Tribal Aging Units in for Wisconsin Tribes as well as employs staff to support ADRC services.  The following is a summary of each program:

  • The GLITC Disability Benefit Specialist (DBS) are trained to determine which benefits tribal members (ages 18 through 59) may be entitled.  They identify a process to apply for the benefits, assist in the application process, and assist in the appeals process. Typical programs that reviewed are: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medical Assistance (Medicaid), Medicare, Food Share and Veterans Benefits.  The DBS serve all eleven tribes through their contract health service delivery areas (CHSDA).
  • The GLITC Aging and Disability Resource Specialist (ADRS) serves the Lac du Flambeau Tribe and the Sokaogon Tribe to ensure that tribal members receive culturally appropriate information on aging and disability resources and are able to comfortably and effectively access long term care programs and services.
  • The GLITC Dementia Care Specialists (DCS) serve the Lac du Flambeau and Sokaogon tribal members by providing information and assistance to adults with memory or cognitive concerns, or who have been given a dementia diagnosis. They also work with tribal staff to equip them to provide appropriate, competent, and sensitive support to people with dementia and their caregivers.
  • The GLITC Elder Benefit Specialist (EBS) provides assistance and advocacy for Tribal elders (typically age 55 and older) in Wisconsin with their private and government benefits including: Medicare, Social Security, Medical Assistance, Consumer problems, Housing issues, supportive home services and Veteran’s benefits. The GLITC EBS is assigned to serve the six Ojibwe Tribes and the Forest County Potawatomi
  • The Tribal Technical Assistance Center Administration (TTAC)provides culturally appropriate and tribal-specific technical assistance to the 11 WI tribal aging units funded through the Older Americans Act. TTAC serves as a liaison to the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc. (GWAAR), an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), the State Office on Aging and WI Judicare, Inc. sharing information, communicating ideas and concerns and problem solving. The TTAC facilitates the WI Tribal Aging Directors Association.
  • The Tribal Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) assists Tribal Elders through trained volunteers to help educate and empower Medicare beneficiaries in the fight against health care fraud.