
Tribal Technical Assistance Center (TTAC)

TTAC provides culturally appropriate and tribal-specific technical assistance to tribal aging units funded through the Older Americans Act. TTAC serves as a liaison to the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc. (GWAAR), an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), the State Office on Aging and WI Judicare, Inc. sharing information, communicating ideas and concerns and problem solving. TTAC works with the staff from the Administration on Aging (AoA), Administration for Community Living (ACL) to assist with the coordination of Title III and Title VI programs in Wisconsin.

The TTAC works with Elder Nutrition Programs to assure nutrition guidelines are met and conduct Nutrition Program Assessments for the Tribes and assist with training and orientation to new Tribal Nutrition Directors/Managers.

The TTAC is a Program Provider for WI Institute for Healthy Aging and provides Evidence Based Health Promotion workshops for elders. Curricula offered include Healthy Living with Diabetes and Healthy Living with Chronic Pain.