Publications and Media

Native Breastfeeding Coalition of Wisconsin

Aggregate Results From the Wisconsin Native Breastfeeding Survey 2017-2018Native Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinReport
Aggregate Results WI Native Breastfeeding Survey FactsheetNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Breastfeeding Fact Sheet Bemidji AreaNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Breastfeeding for GrandparentsNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Breastfeeding Toolkit for the American Indian WorksiteNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Bringing Home Baby HandoutNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Bringing Home Baby PresentationNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinPresentation
Build Your Team Bulletin BoardNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Build Your Team PresentationNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinPresentation
Grandparents PresentationNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinPresentation
IMMW Coloring PageNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinPromotional Materials
Indigenous Milk Medicine Week 2024 ToolkitNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinResource Guide/Toolkit
Indigenous Milk Medicine Week Toolkit 2022Native Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinResource Guide/Toolkit
Indigenous Milk Medicine Week Toolkit 2023Native Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinResource Guide/Toolkit
Perfect Latch Lesson PlanNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Perfect Latch PresentationNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinPresentation
Resource Guide for Lactation SupportNative Breastfeeding Coalition of Wisconsin, Women, Infants & Children (WIC)Resource Guide/Toolkit
Skin To Skin Bulletin BoardNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Steps To LatchNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinFactsheet
Tribal Breastfeeding Resolution TemplateNative Breastfeeding Coalition of WisconsinReport
WHAT INDIGENOUS FAMILIES IN WISCONSIN NEED TO LIVE HEALTHIER LIVESNative Breastfeeding Coalition of Wisconsin, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-ED), Women, Infants & Children (WIC)Report