Employment Opportunities

Tribal Personal Responsibility Education Program

Our Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative is always looking for community members from our service area to assist with program delivery, especially presentation of Adulthood Preparation Subjects from a cultural perspective.

Our Tribal PREP program is looking for additional facilitators for the Lac Courte Oreille Ojibwe School and Bowler School. The program will pay for your training and can compensate you for facilitation time. You may contact the program director or coordinator for more information.

We continually seek new funding opportunities are currently awaiting word on a Tier 1 – TPP grant through the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health (OASH). If awarded this grant we will replicate the curriculum “Respecting the Circle of Life” developed by Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health and serve three tribal communities, Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Sokaogon Chippewa Community – Mole Lake Band of Superior Chippewa, and Forest County Potawatomi. If awarded, program planning and development would begin in July 2020.