HIV Health Webinars featuring Jim Pickett


Injectable PrEP & the Biomedical HIV Prevention Pipeline This training will include current HIV epi data, late-breaking information on oral PrEP, the first injectable version of PrEP, and other modalities in the research and development pipeline. This webinar will also cover health equity and the need to address systemic and structural factors that inhibit the…

HIV Health Webinars featuring Jim Pickett


Intro to Biomedical HIV Prevention This training will include current HIV data, information on insertive and receptive condoms, U=U, and oral PrEP access and implementation information. This webinar will also cover health equity and the need to address systemic and structural factors that inhibit the delivery of healthcare. View Recording Jim Pickett is a consultant…

Patient Confidence in the COVID-19 Vaccines: How Healthcare Personnel Can Address Vaccine Hesitancy


View recording by typing in passcode 0@ZGx##j Click here view the flyer: MarketingFlyer_Final3.4.21   Summary: Healthcare personnel can have a powerful influence on patients’ decisions when they communicate openly about vaccines. Building confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines is an important part of ending the pandemic. This webinar will help staff at I/T/Us communicate about vaccines more…

COVID-19 Vaccine Basics: What Healthcare Personnel Need to Know


View recording by typing in passcode $T.j24KB Click here to view the flyer: MarketingFlyer_Final3.4.21   Summary: As healthcare personnel, it is important to understand the COVID-19 vaccines and get your questions answered. This can help you and your patients make informed decisions. During this webinar, you will learn about: the importance of the COVID-19 vaccination…

Tribes are Public Health Authorities


TPHA Flyer This webinar will explore the following topics: The inherent power of Tribes as sovereign nations to engage in public health activities Federal recognition of Tribes as public health authorities Strategies to reinforce Tribal public health authority to prevent infringement Examples of Tribal exercise of public health authority Register here: